V januári tohto roka som navštívila miestneho ajurvéďana Robina (Paťo ho nazýva "šaman"), a dal mi viacero praktických doporučení na malé drobné realizovateľné zmeny v jedálničku, ktoré dokážu z dlhodobého hľadiska divy.
Všetko sa deje priebežne - takže si to tu zhrnieme - priebežne ich zdieľam so známymi a priebežne skúšam, čo chutí, prečo, načo a začo...
Tentokrát sa pozrieme na GHEE.
Nič nového pod slnkom slovenským.
U nás ho kedysi babky robili bez stresu rovnako ako ho robia Indovia dodnes, a volali ho "PREPUSTENÉ MASLO" alebo "PREPRAŽENÉ MASLO" alebo "MASLOVÝ OLEJ" a podobne. Paťo ho nazýva "MŔTVA HMOTA" a "NENOS MI TO SEM".
Dôvod, prečo ho babky robili, bol prostý a praktický: skladovateľnosť bez šance pokaziť sa. Takto spracované maslo vydržalo v špajzi v chlade aj rok a použiteľné bolo úplne na všetko od priamej konzumácie s chlebom až po varenie, pečenie, škvarenie a ďalšie extrémnosti, vrátane vyživovania pleti v podobe krémikov (ak teda mali časopriestor i na skrášľovacie procedúry), ale i na kožné problémy takmer všetkého druhu. A keďže masla mali kedysi dosť, bolo domáce, a jeho použitie bolo naozaj všestranné.
Babky však netušili, že táto vec bola i zdraviu prospešná. Ako? - neobsahuje laktózu
- neobsahuje mliečne proteíny (kazeín, hm, bodybuilderi)
- neobsahuje vodu
- má vyššiu teplotu horenia a neprepaľuje sa pri varení a pečení
- pri dlhodobom používaní znižuje hladinu LDL (zlého) cholesterolu
- je ľahšie stráviteľné
- dokonca stimuluje vylučovanie žalúdočných štiav
- je plné antioxidantov
- napomáha pri absorpcii vitamínov a minerálov do tela
- je to antivirotikum
- posilňuje imunitný systém
- spomaľuje a zastavuje rast rakovinových nádorov
- dá sa použiť na popáleniny a kožné problémy
- dá sa použiť ako masážny telový olej
- a teoreticky sa dá použiť aj ako olej na svietenie (s bavlneným knôtom)
Ajurvéďania ho použivajú ako liek, ktorý prirodzene používa celá indická populácia na varenie každý deň.
Do ghee vmiešavajú ďalšie zmesi bylín a liečiv, ktoré potrebujú dostať do tela pacientov, a využívajú jeho vlastnosti absorbenta, asimilátora, zlepšovača pamäte, lubrikanta pre mäkké tkanivá a medzikĺbové tkanivá... Hovoria, že ghee spôsobuje, že telo je flexibilnejšie, ako keby ho všetko zvnútra premasťovalo.
Na Slovensku asi najpresnejšie, najvýstižnejšie a najpútavejšie napísaný fotorecept na prípravu je asi tento:
Celé čaro spočíva v pomalom varení masla do stavu, kým sa z neho vyvarí všetok balast a vyextrahuje sa z neho zlatožltý čistý olej (alebo teda tuk).
Keďže nie je náročné dodržať dobrú radu ajurvéďana a vytrieskať z tohto produktu maximum osohu aj pre zdravie, prikladám, čo aplikujú jeho súkmeňovci pri výrobe ghee a liekov štandardne. V procese varenia aplikujú iba dve zmeny:
1. zbierajú penu ktorá sa na začiatku vytvorí, nech zbytočne neprehára
2. nenechávajú bielkovinu na spodku hrnca karamelizovať
Lebo akonáhle ghee nadobudne orieškovú chuť (od karamelizovania bielkoviny), ghee už začína prehárať a likvidujú sa v ňom zdraviu prospešné látky - považujú ho už za zhoreté.
Takže - presne tak som postupovala i ja a prikladám svoje obrázky...
Takto to vyzerá kým sa to varí:

A zbiera sa z toho pena:

Keď je to hotové, prefiltruje sa to:

Pre istotu do hrnca nech sa to nerozlieva:

A nakoniec sa to preleje do toho, v čom sa to bude skladovať:

Zrazené bielkoviny (nezhoreté a v našom prípade neskaramelizované) sa z hrnca vyhodia:

Zdroj z ajurvédskej stránky:
Ghee can be used in place of butter and is an ideal cooking oil, as it does not burn unless heated excessively. It makes a wonderful body oil for massage and can serve as a base for herbal ointments (for burns, skin rashes, etc.) and can even be used for lamps, with wicks made from cotton balls.
Ghee is a digestive. It helps to improve absorption and assimilation. It nourishes ojas, tejas and prana. It is good for improving memory and lubricates the connective tissue. Ghee makes the body flexible and, in small doses, is tridoshic. Ghee is a yogavahi—a catalytic agent that carries the medicinal properties of herbs into the seven dhatus or tissues of the body. Ghee pacifies pitta and vata and is acceptable, in moderation, for kapha. Persons who already have high cholesterol or suffer from obesity should be cautious in using ghee. Ghee is not to be used when there are high ama (toxic) conditions.
Ghee Recipe
1 pound unsalted butter
Put the butter in a heavy, medium-sized pan. Turn the heat on to medium until the butter melts.
Turn down the heat until the butter just boils and continue to cook at this heat. Do not cover the pot. The butter will foam and sputter while it cooks. Whitish curds will begin to form on the bottom of the pot. The butter will begin to smell like popcorn after a while and turn a lovely golden color. Keep a close watch on the ghee, as it can easily burn. After a while it will become a clear, golden color. You will have to take a clean, dry spoon to move away some of the foam on top in order to see if the ghee is clear all the way through to the bottom. When it is clear and has stopped sputtering and making noise, then it needs to be taken off the heat. Let it cool until just warm. Pour it through a fine sieve or layers of cheesecloth into a clean, dry glass container with a tight lid. Discard the curds at the bottom of the saucepan. The ghee is burned if it has a nutty smell and is slightly brown.
1 pound of butter takes about 15 minutes of cooking time. The more butter you are using, the more time it will take.
Ghee can be kept on the kitchen shelf, covered. It does not need refrigeration. The medicinal properties are said to improve with age. Don’t ladle out the ghee with a wet spoon or allow any water to get into the container, as this will create conditions for bacteria to grow and spoil the ghee.
Two pounds of butter will fill a quart jar with ghee.
Zdroj: https://www.ayurveda.com/online_resource/ghee_recipe.html
Difference between the clarified butter and butter ghee:
Clarified Butter:
Also called drawn butter. Regular butter is made up of butterfat, milk solids, and water. Clarified butter is the translucent golden butterfat left over after the milk solids and water are removed. In short, clarified butter is just butter that contains only pure butterfat. It has a higher smoke point than regular butter, thus allowing you to be able to cook at higher temperatures, and won't spoil as quickly.
Butter Ghee:
Clarified butter and ghee are not the same. Ghee is clarified butter that has been cooked longer to remove all the moisture, and the milk solids are browned (caramelized) in the fat and then strained out. This gives a rich nutty taste. Ghee has a longer shelf life, both refrigerated and at room temperature. It is traditionally used in Indian cuisine.
Making Clarified Butter and Ghee Tips and Hints:
1 pound of butter = about 1 1/2 cups clarified butter or ghee.
Type of Pan Used: Use a heavy bottomed and deep stainless steel pan. Make sure the pan you will be using is clean and dry.
Chef's Tip - Use a double boiler. This let you safely clarify your butter while busy elsewhere in the kitchen. Never cover the pan during the whole cooking process.
Low Heat: Use low heat so the butter will not burn. Yes, turning up the heat will melt the butter faster, but the milk solids may begin to burn. For fast melting, cut the unsalted butter into pieces and melt slowly in a heavy saucepan for approximately 30 minutes.
Storing clarified butter and ghee: They can both be stored, covered, without refrigeration in a glass or earthen jar for about six (6) months. At room temperature, they become semi-sold. With refrigeration, they both harden and can be stored, covered, for about one (1) year. Do not let any water get into your clarified butter or ghee jar. A drop of water can easily promote bacteria and spoil them.
Using clarified butter and ghee: Clarified butter and ghee is great for sautéing because it doesn't burn as easily as ordinary butter. It is useful in all kinds of sauce making, especially the butter-based sauces like Hollandaise and Béarnaise. It is also a delicious accompaniment for lobster or crab. Use then in place of regular butter in your cooking.